Friday, August 30, 2019

Addiction to Intoxicants

II. Intoxication conceptual analysis Intoxication is the acute state of physical and cognitive impairment caused by drinking alcohol or being exposed to a psychoactive drug. Intoxication typically has both physical and mental effects, which can include difficulties with controlling movement, mood changes, impairment of cognitive skills, impaired judgment, impaired impulse control, and changes in interpreting your surroundings or the behavior of others.These changes and impairments may be  reinforcing, and may be perceived as amusing by the intoxicated person and/or their companions, but they increase the person's vulnerability to a wide range of problems, including violence, sexual assault, accidents, and misadventure. Although the term â€Å"intoxication† is most commonly used to refer to the acute (immediate or short-term) effects of alcohol, intoxication may also be used to refer to the effects of other drugs, including amphetamines, caffeine, cannabis, cocaine, hallucino gens, inhalants, opioids, phencyclidine, sedatives, hypnotics and anxiolytics. We can define intoxication as in . eneral condition of diminished mental and physical ability hyperexcitability, or stupefaction induced by intake of alcohol or other narcotic  substance Intoxication is a condition that follows the administration of a psychoactive substance and results in disturbances in the level of consciousness, cognition, perception, judgement, affect, or behaviour, or other psychophysiological functions and responses. The disturbances are related to the acute pharmacological effects of, and learned responses to, the substance and resolve with time, with complete recovery, except where tissue damage or other complications have arisen.The term is most commonly used with regard to alcohol use: its equivalent in everyday speech is â€Å"drunkenness†. Alcohol intoxication is manifested by such signs as facial flushing, slurred speech, unsteady gait, euphoria, increased activity, volubility, disorderly conduct, slowed reactions, impaired judgement and motor incoordination, insensibility, or stupefaction. Intoxication is highly dependent on the type and dose of drug and is influenced by an individual's level of tolerance and other factors. Frequently, a drug is taken in order to achieve a desired degree of intoxication.The behavioural expression of a given level of intoxication is strongly influenced by cultural and personal expectations about the effects of the drug. As a result of consuming alcohol, an intoxicated person does not have the normal use of physical or mental faculties. There is no single scientific measure that determines whether a person is intoxicated, since intoxication is an observed state. Therefore, determining whether a person is intoxicated requires observing a person’s mental and physical state, and comparing that state and observed behaviour to a normal person in full possession of his or her faculties.Now a days intoxiation is generally found among teenagers and children attaining maturity. Irony is this most of them know it’s ill effects but still they do just for their mental pleasure or may be by personal deviance. Mostly comparing himeslf from others that if they can do , why not me. III. TYPES OF INTOXICATION 1. Alcohol intoxication 2. Narcotic inoxication 3. Cocaine intoxication 4. Drug overdose 5. Inhalant abuse Alcohol intoxication Alcohol intoxication  (also known as  drunkenness  or  inebriation) is a physiological state induced by the consumption of  alcohol.Problems accumulate when alcohol builds up in the  bloodstream  faster than it can be metabolized by the  liver. Some effects of alcohol intoxication are central to alcohol's desirability  as a beverage  and its history as the world's most widespread  recreational drug. Common effects are  euphoria  and lowered  social inhibitions. Other effects are unpleasant or dangerous because alcohol affects many dif ferent areas of the body at once and may cause progressive, long-term harm when consumed in excess. Narcotic intoxication Narcotics are medicines used to decrease or take away severe pain. Narcotics may also be called opioids.Some common names of narcotics ordered by a doctor are codeine and morphine. Heroin is an illegal street drug that is made from morphine. The more commonly known drugs withinthis group are opium,  morphine, heroin,  codeine, andmethadone  (a synthetic narcotic). Cocaine intoxication Cocaine intoxication  refers to the immediate effects of  cocaine  on the body. Although cocaine intoxication and cocaine dependence can be present in the same individual, they present with different sets of symptoms. Cocaine increases alertness, feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of competence and sexuality.Common side effects include anxiety, increased temperature, paranoia, restlessness, and tooth grinding. With prolonged use, oft en accompanied by lack of  sleep, the drug can cause  itching,  tachycardia,  hallucinations, and  paranoid delusions. Possible lethal side effects include rapid heartbeat, tremors, convulsions, markedly increased core temperature, heart attack, stroke and heart failure. DRUG OVERDOSE The term  drug overdose  (or simply  overdose  or  OD) describes the  ingestion  or application of a  drug  or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended  or generally practiced. 2]  An overdose may result in a  toxic state  or  death. Drug overdoses are sometimes caused intentionally to commit  suicide  or as  self-harm, but many drug overdoses are accidental, the result of intentional or unintentional misuse of medication. Unintentional misuse leading to overdose can include using prescribed or unprescribed drugs in excessive quantities in an attempt to produce  euphoria. INHALANT ABUSE Inhalants  are a broad range of  drugs  whose v olatile vapors are taken in via the  nose  and  trachea. They are taken by room temperature  volatilization or from a pressurized container (e. g. nitrous oxide), and do not include drugs that are sniffed after burning or heating. Inhalants can be classified by the intended function. Most inhalant drugs that are used non-medically are ingredients in household or industrial chemical products that are not intended to be concentrated and inhaled. A small number of recreational inhalant drugs are pharmaceutical products that are used illicitly. Some of the inhalant abuse are acetone which is used in nail polish, whitener is also used as addictive substance. Why do people intoxicate Intoxication is not a new problem or area to discuss. he main problem is intoxication among youths,teenagers,children attaining maturity, why they are addicted to intoxicants? Why these addiction? Not all drug and alcohol users will become addicts, but they are at risk. Some can overcome it, others no . An exposure to this danger is increasingly occurring at earlier ages: the door is open with the first sip and the pleasure comes to neccesity. Nearly 15% of individuals who â€Å"try† alcohol develop a dependency to it, and become alcoholics. Boys and girls in their adolescence consume on intoxication just to satisfy their needs either mentally or physically. hey all know that what are the bad effects and what are the disadvantages still they knowing all the facts. Experimentation with alcohol during the teen years is common. Some reasons that teens use alcohol and other drugs are: * curiosity * to feel good, reduce stress, and relax * to fit in * to feel older From a very young age, kids see advertising messages showing beautiful people enjoying life — and alcohol. And because many parents and other adults use alcohol socially — having beer or wine with dinner. boys and girls in their adolescence consume alcohols just to satisfy their needs either mentally or physically. hey all know that what are the bad effect and what are the disadvantages still they consume alcohols knowing all the facts. They do so specially because of peer presure ,they are frightened that if they do not accept their group's qualities whether it is good or bad then they wont be allowed in their friend's circle,and once they are excluded from that group then they won’t be able to adjust themselves into other group since they are teengae they don’t know the consequences of their activities. they will do that work in which they will get their own satisfaction their own enjoyment and their own hapiness. nd these things they will get by that group because they are getting what they want and so they dont want to leave that group inspite knowing that their are some bad consequences too. Teens see their parents enjoying a cocktail after work or having a glass of wine at dinner. Drinking comes to represent a very sophisticated and adult thing to do  mom and Dad do it†¦ why shouldn’t I? the teen may reason. They think that there is no one to stop them they think that if drinking is that bad then why my mom and dad are consuming it. So if they are consuming it then what’s the problem I am consuming it.Due to societal influence addiction to intoxication initiated through personal deviance also like when they are depressed, who have low self-esteem, and who feel like they don't fit in or are out of the mainstream. They feel like after consuming alcohol they will get over from their sorrow,frustration and humiliation. And to get rid of it they always like to be alcoholic. IMPACT OF ALCOHOL Alcohol has wonderful anxiolytic properties and people drink alcohol very often because they are stressed and alcohol quite nicely provides the temporary illusion that such stress has dissipated when it fact it has just been temporarily put on hold.Quite often, however, drinking alcohol acts to exacerbate stress in the long run because rather than dealing with the stressful situation, the drinker will often drink to escape the stress, thus prolonging that which is actually stressing them. Moreover, alcohol has been proven to heighten anxiety among those who drink, when they are not drinking it. This, in turn, promotes further drinking which in turn begets further anxiety and really it is just one vicious cycle. Weekends are usually treasured by most teens, as they are looking forward to their big plans.Some may be chilling with friends, catching a movie, going to a concert, or planning to party. Regardless of what they have planned, one thing is for certain; alcohol will be a part of many teens weekend plans and there's research to prove it. As children move from  adolescence  to young adulthood, they face major changes not just developmentally, but emotional and physically. The transition into puberty and adolescence brings about a desire for independence. Many teens turn to  risk taking  and experimenta tion as they navigate through their rite of passage into adulthood, which can lead to drinking.Many teens don't think there's anything wrong with drinking. They've made it into an acceptable activity that they engage in when they're out with their friends, and since they may not drink every night, they don't see the potential harm that it's doing. developmentally teens remain in that imaginary stage that â€Å"bad stuff can't happen to me because I am invincible. †Ã‚   But we know it does†¦ Plus, many teens don't have the ability to see the long-term consequences that drinking can bring. There are many factors that lead to teen drinking.If you ask a teen why they drink you may give you a litany of reasons from: â€Å"I was bored. † â€Å"Everyone else does it. † â€Å"I like how it makes me feel. † â€Å"People like me when I drink because I act different. † â€Å"I just wanted to see what it would make me feel like. † â€Å"My  pare nts  do it so it must not be a big deal. † â€Å"It helps me escape reality. † Effects of alcohol Alcohol damages almost every organ in the body, including the brain; because of the cumulate ive toxic effects of chronic alcohol abuse, the alcoholic risks suffering a range of medical and psychiatric disorders.Alcoholism has profound social consequences for alcoholics and the people of their lives. Long-term alcohol abuse produces physiological changes in the brain such as  tolerance  and  physical dependence. Using alcohol at a young age has negative health effects. Brain Development and Alcohol Abuse * Research indicates that the human brain continues to develop into a person's early 20's, and that exposure of the developing brain to alcohol may have long-lasting effects on intellectual capabilities and may increase the likelihood of alcohol addiction. * The age when drinking starts affects future drinking problems.For each year that the start of drinking is del ayed, the risk of later alcohol dependence is reduced by 14 percent. Drinking and Driving * Car crashes are the leading cause of death among people ages 15 to 20. About 1,900 people under 21 die every year from car crashes involving underage drinking. * Young people are more susceptible to alcohol-induced impairment of their driving skills. Drinking drivers aged 16 to 20 are twice as likely to be involved in a fatal crash as drinking drivers who are 21 or older. Suicide * Alcohol use interacts with conditions like depression and stress, and contributes to an estimated 300 teen suicides a year. High school students who drink are twice as likely to have seriously considered attempting suicide, as compared to nondrinkers. High school students who binge drink are four times as likely to have attempted suicide, as compared to nondrinkers. * Sexual Behavior * Current teen drinkers are more than twice as likely to have had sexual intercourse within the past three months than teens who don' t drink. * Higher drinking levels increase the likelihood of sexual activity. * Adolescents who drink are more likely to engage in risky sexual activities, like having sex with someone they don't know or failing to use birth control.Other Risks * Teens who drink alcohol are more likely than nondrinkers to smoke marijuana, use inhalants, or carry a weapon. * Binge drinking substantially increases the likelihood of these activities. Alcohol addction is not just related to common people,teenager and but many big filmstars and big personality are also addicted to it. The bollywood personalities who have lost their life due to alcohol consumption are Rajesh khanna (first super star of bollywood) Meena kumari The beautiful actress of iconic film Pakeeezah,  was died  due to liver cirrhosis. due to alcohol abuse. Guru dutt, because of alcohol . uthor who have died because of alcohol Jean stafford. People who are living in polar region they usually consume alcohol to keep their body war m. But they are not addicted because it’s their necessity through which they make themselves suitable to live in cold environment. They take it in a limited quantity just to continue their livelihood. We can take the example of Indian Army which are posted in leh and ladakh and which is the coldest place in india and so the indian soldier consume alcohol to make their body warm. Some of the devotee of shiva say our shiva drinks then it’s not bad to drink because we are his followers. nd we should follow our guru. But the real thing is it is just an excuse nothing else. They take the defence of religion to hide their addiction. It’s just an excuse and excuse has no base. The shifting composition of Indian drinkers has seen a rise in the number of Indian women drinking regularly and heavily. One recent study in the southern state of Karnataka found young women consumed similar amounts of alcohol to young men on any typical drinking occasion. Narcotic intoxication effects Narcotic abuse is when you continue to use narcotics even though they are hurting you or others.The more commonly known drugs within this group are opium,  morphine, heroin,  codeine, and methadone  (a synthetic narcotic). In addition, Darvon   7and Talwin7 are included in this group because of their narcotic-like action. Next to cocaine (discussed later),heroin is the most popular narcotic drug because of its intense euphoria and long-lasting effect. It is far more potent than  morphine  but has no legitimate use in the United States. Heroin appears as a white, gray, or tanfluffy   powder. The   most   common   method   of   using heroin is by injection directly into the vein, although it can be sniffed.Codeine, although milder than heroine and  morphine, is sometimes abused as an ingredient in cough syrup  preparations. Users may experience sleepiness, nausea, and vomiting shortly after taking a drug. Most narcotics are considered highly addicti ve, and their abuse tends to lead to long-term dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms and supervising opium cultivation and thereafter, procuring opium from the cultivators. Drug abuse Young people are very gullible and vulnerable to the influences of society, their friends, TV, adults, and those that appear to be fashionable.Hence, a youth may find that all his friends have experienced the use of drugs, and now he is feeling left out because everyone else appears to be having a good time, and all his friends tease him that he is â€Å"chicken†. This unsuspecting youth then decides to ‘experiment' only once, ‘just to try it out. † Furthermore, if he does not have money to buy the drugs, someone may even offer it to him for free. What he does not realize, is that his first weakness, to please his friends, is the biggest mistake that he can ever make. The strategy of the drug dealers is to get as many customers as possible.Some drug dealers are so ruthless that they give out free sweets containing drugs to school children. The trick that they use is to give free drugs to unsuspecting people. Once a person becomes addicted (hooked) he becomes a customer for life. The addicted person will then beg, borrow, steal, prostitute themselves, just to make sure that they have money to buy drugs for their next fix. It is a vicious cycle of crime, prostitution, family breakdown, social breakdown, community breakdown. It is for this reason that intoxicant is known as the source of all evils, Islamicaly termed as the   Ã¢â‚¬Ëœmother of all evils’. ere are many types of drugs available on the market. The general effect of all drugs is basically very similar, though they differ in their speed of action as well as the severity of the harm on the body. All drugs directly affect the brain, since this is the only way of causing mood changes. Some examples of drugs are as follows: 1. Heroin, (upper drug): highly addictive opiate; gives very high rush, followed by many hours of fogginess; the addict lives day to day for the next fix. 2. Marijuana, (downer drug): affects the parts of the brain that deals with emotions and memory. 3.Alcohol, (downer drug): impairs judgements, memory lapses, blackouts. 4. Cocaine, (upper drug): whether in powder form or crack, it is a highly addictive stimulant; addict loses interest in school, family, work, etc. 5. Vapor Inhalants (downer drug): (glue, petrol, hair spray, paint thinners, etc. ) destroy the protective layers around the brain cells. Harmful effects of drugs  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Physical effects: The brain is the most delicate and powerful computer- it is an amazing organ, with virtually limitless potential- it is a Gift from Allaah; it has to be protected and cherished and its full potential must be utilized.The moment any person takes a drug into the body (either by nose, mouth or vein) the drug enters the blood stream and goes directly to the brain, crosses the blood-b rain barrier (BBB) and occupies various receptor sites in the brain. This leads to alteration in the chemical and electrical neuronal functioning of the brain which also leads to eventual organic damage to this delicate, yet powerful organ. These changes in the brain is what causes the state of ‘addiction'- eventually, the body automatically starts craving for the damaging drug leading to a vicious cycle of abuse and further damage.However, other body organs that are damaged include the following: damaged nasal septum; collapsed ; clotted veins; kidney, liver ; lung failure to various degrees; damage to the brain; infected needles causes Hepatitis Infection and HIV/AIDS.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Social effects: The person indulged in the usage of intoxicants displays anti-social behavior such as: staying away from home; stealing; crime; job loss; withdrawal from community; embarrassing behavior in public; deterioration in relationship with parents or wife or children.The m ost harmful effect of drugs is on the brain. INHALANT ABUSE The younger generation is rapidly getting addicted to smoking, liquor and even drugs. What is more shocking is the usage of wide range of substances being used by youths which include inhaling whitener, spirit, petrol, iodex, besides smoking costly cigarettes and getting addicted to alcohol and gutka laced cold drinks. Although, there is no demarcated area or locality which could be identified as more or less in the grip of this menace, youths residing in the areas ocated close to slums, interior colonies and those habited by the lower income group people are more vulnerable of being grabbed in the clutches of this dreaded practice. The addiction could be anything from consuming Iodex pasted on bread to drinking laboratory sprit which they call turatithe name derived from the time duration it takes to intoxicate the addicted and minimal price in which it is available. But, what forces the youths to get addicted to such subs tances, is a big question in store. Peer pressure, boredom, frustration, academic and parental pressures, even genetic factors and lack of emotional support are some of the reasons that make the youth go astray and seek temporal solace in the world of intoxicants,† says Prof Deepa Punetha, a faculty in the department of psychology, Allahabad University. Teenagers, who feel unwanted or fail to adjust themselves in the society, too, wander into the world of addictive substances, she adds.The easy availability of such products, too, gives a fillip to such products. Scores of `paan' shops can be seen in the proximity of educational institutions in the city. Then, the liquor shops have started coming up in residential areas which lure young minds towards them. There are occasions when youngsters, under peer pressure, fall in the vicious circle of tobacco and drugs. What we see today is school kids standing on `paan' shops and smoking costly cigarettes.Among other things, `whitener' (a stationery product) is being used as a form of addictive substance. Since, it is cheap and easily available, many youngsters are getting addicted to it. the primary contents of whitener and diluter are alcohol they are being increasingly used by youngsters for intoxication. Once they are combined with the other chemical acetone present in the whitener and diluter they depress the central nervous system of the body.For some moments, it puts an addict on a high but it has serious consequences in the long run. Prolonged use of these chemicals may result in blindness, diabetes, kidney disorder and cancer also. † IV. Preventive measures Parents can prevent their children from using drugs by talking to them about drugs, open communication, role modeling, responsible behavior, and recognizing if problems are developing Alcohol advertising and promotion is rapidly expanding throughout the world and is increasingly sophisticated and arefully targeted, including to youth. It is aime d to attract, influence, and recruit new generations of potential drinkers despite industry codes of self-regulation that are widely ignored and often not enforced. India is projected as a market with huge potential for the Alcohol Industry resulting in an increased market presence of the industry with their undesirable marketing and promotional activities.India spends about 244 billion rupees each year to manage the direct cost of alcohol use, which is more than the excise earned. (WHO, 2006) It urged the Government of India to adopt and implement the global strategy in order to complement and support public health policies and to mobilize political will and financial resources to reduce harmful use of alcohol. Effective solutions lay in sustainable action, requiring strong leadership, a solid base of awareness, political will and commitment.Public health strategies that seek to regulate the availability of alcohol; reducing the impacts of marketing, including surrogate advertiseme nts, particularly to adolescents, young people and women; mobilising communities to adopt effective approaches to prevent and reduce harmful use of alcohol; reducing the public health harm and social consequences from alcohol intoxication and consumption of illicitly produced alcohol; pricing policies that can be used to reduce underage drinking, halt progression towards drinking large volumes of alcohol and/ or episodes of heavy drinking.Mindful of the present realities, challenges and a lack of a national policy, the workshop Urges the Government of India to formulate a National Alcohol Policy. Programmes have been initiated in the areas of alternatives to drug use, voluntary or governmental. Parent-teacher associations have yet to take roots within the school systems in the country; hence there is a great need for specially designed educational programmes for children. The same holds true for school health and education programmes. Some of the following steps can be taken for pri mary prevention of drug abuse: Research and surveys on drug abuse;Drug education of secondary school and college students, teachers and parents; Dissemination of information on the dangerous effects of intoxicant substances by radio, television and films and discussion of the social consequences in conferences and seminars in educational institutions; and ‘Family life education’ which envisages the provision of community based services to prevent drug abuse by education of parents and children and offering counselling and guidance to drug- prone individuals within the family setting.The National Anti-Drug Strategy focuses on prevention and access to treatment for those with drug dependencies, while at the same time getting tough on drug dealers and producers who threaten the safety of our youth and communities. It is made up of three action plans: * The  Prevention Action Plan  which aims to prevent illicit drug use * The  Treatment Action Plan  which aims to tr eat those with drug dependencies; and * The  Enforcement Action Plan  which aims to combat the production and distribution of illicit drugs. There are many NGO’s who prevent addiction of drugs and alcohol.By the government of india smoking in public area has been said as an offence. And it has been as a punishable crime. Also the government of india had also made a law that a children below 18 years of age cannot be applied to any job regarding production of tobbaco and selling of it. Gutka production and selling has also been baned by the government of india and this has alo been made a punishable crime. Conclusion & Suggestion from the above statement we can here by conclude that intoxication has become a very big issue of our country. ntoxication has covered a measure population and still branching itself in most part of the country. Government is also trying their best and is making their best effort eliminate the problem from the root. They have made many laws and ma king intoxication as a crime. It has been said that â€Å"the best prevention is early  intervention†, but by this time it is too late, the person has already started. If the progress of alcoholism can be stopped early in its course, then great individual and family disruption can be avoided.National efforts at prevention of alcoholism include education at all levels, increased publicity and the creative use of media sources. Such efforts have already influenced nicotine addiction in older smokers; although the message of nicotine’s harmful effects are just beginning to impact teenage smokers. But alcohol and other drug programs   do have clear, positive effects, and prevention activities continue to be applied at local and national levels with different strategies for different target groups.However, as with most things, prevention starts with the individual. APPENDIX-1 INTERVIEW 1 Date : 18. 04. 2013 Name : ARUN KANODIA place : contacted in person Age : 35 Sex : MALE Occupation : ADVOCATE IN PATNA HIGH COURT QUESTION 1: In your view why the consumption of intoxication is prevalent in youth or teenagers? ANSWER: By seeing others, they think if they can do then why not me.They are also capable of doing this they also want to show as if they are adult so this kind of tedency develop inside them. And they are at the verge of maturity so they don’t know the consequence. QUESTION 2: what role society play in making the youth drifted towards intoxication? ANSWER: Society plays a great role , because teens see that most of them is intoxicate and they are doing it without any hinderance as no one is there to stop them and no one is saying, protesting. everyone is free to do by his her own will.This attitude motivate them towards intoxication. QUESTION 3:why youth take the consumption of intoxication very casualy? ANSWER :Because they think drinking, smoking is cool. This will show their status this will show their class. while poor people ta ke it because of their social problems and they are so addicted that even if they are knowing about it’s effects then also they won’t bother about their life, they will just go on. People take it causally because they havn’t seen yet the extent of effects of intoxication.They think it’s okay if they will die but they don’t realise that not only them but the person also get effectd by their act. They don’t care about others. they care about their own happiness, own pleasure. QUESTION 4: what are the preventive measures taken by the society till today? ANSWER :Till now only law has been made to prevent this , and violation of these laws will lead to punishment nothing more than that. There is lack of man force to prevent this. Same police is appointed for stoping any aggitation, to be the body guard of VIP person, to maintain peace in crowd like in puja’s, election.So how can the same police can do lots of thing. They are also negligent in their part like ok if he has violated the law then he must be punished only, not to do more than that to prevent that such things in future. So a strong law should be made. QUESTION 5:what should be the preventive measure should be taken to eradicate the consumption of intoxication in near future? ANSWER:Government should completely stop giving licence to these people to run liquor shop, or to sale tobbaco because at the same time they are saying say no to tobacco.Tobbaco is injurious to health and same time they are giving license to run this because they are taking tax from these people which will be benefical to them so profit is on the side of government. Loss is also there because by consuming this people are getting health issues like cancer and many more so for this treatment government is making hospitals for it. And appointment of doctors also take a large amount of money. APPENDIX-2 INTERVIEW 2 Date : 18. 04. 2013Name : GIRDHAR PRASAD place : contacted in person Age : 43 Sex : MALE Occupation : POLICE QUESTION 1: In your view why the consumption of intoxication is prevalent in youth or teenagers? ANSWER : They consume because think it’s classy and they want to prove infront of their circle that they are very advance and adult. They do it for fun and they are much more adult and they want to prove that they can drink or smoke without any hindrance. QUESTION 2: what role society play in making the youth drifted towards intoxication?ANSWER : They look after their neighbor who consume alcohol and smoke cigarette and they get fascinated and they try for their pleasure. They think no one to stop them , then who would like to stop them too. QUESTION 3: Why youth take the consumption of intoxication very casually? ANSWER : They consume alcohol too much that they become habituated of it and finally they get addicted. They think this is this the life they are living with full freedom, no hindrance, and they follow the policy of whatever they have t o face they can face it easily.QUESTION 4: What are the preventive measures taken by the government till today? ANSWER : Steps taken by govt. to eliminate intoxication from india Govt. has made an act that there should not be any participation of children below the age of 18 in respect to production n sale of tobacco. Smoking in public area has been made an offence and fine is applicable if one is caught doing this crime. Govt. has increased the rate and taxes so that people consume less tobacco and alcoholic product.QUESTION 5:What should be the preventive measure should be taken to eradicate the consumption of intoxication in near future? ANSWER : People should be educated from beginning about the ill effects of intoxication and what are the several disadvantages of smoking and consuming alcohol. APPENDIX-3 INTERVIEW 3 Date : 18. 04. 2013 Name : PUNSCHA place : contacted in person Age : SINCE 2005 QUESTION 1 : In your view why the consumption of intoxication is prevalent in outh or teenagers? ANSWER : They do it because of mental pressure, generally because of self low steem, they are immature in nature in nature. They start by seeing other teenager and peoples of their group and think other teenager have got enough freedom then why can’t they. they start smoking and drinking by seeing them and later join their group and become addicted to it. QUESTION 2: why youth take the consumption of intoxication very casually? Because of their family like in upper class those who are rich . smoking and drinking is normal in today’s arena. ven during their party and functions they arrange the facility to drink and smoke. And thus by seeing those party teenagers of high class family start intoxication just as their do and also parents of this class don’t have time to see what their children are doing. So teenager take it casually. Now in lower class family parents are always engage to earn some money so that they can feed their children and because of this they don’t have time to look after their children and so the children start consuming alcohol without letting their parents know they are alcoholic. So teenager take it casually.But in middle class family parents do stop their children from such things. Parents stop them from the beginning they know the ill effects of intoxicatin and try to educate them about the major disadvantages And children also know that their parents are right and children and so the children also obey their parents so they don’t take it casually. APPENDIX-4 INTERVIEW 4 Date : 18. 04. 2013 Name : TARUN GUPTA place : contacted in person Age : 23Sex : MALE Occupation :STUDYING IN PUNE LAW UNIVERSITY QUESTION 1: In your view why the consumption of intoxication is prevalent in youth or teenagers? ANSWER :Because it makes me feel good it help me to decrease my tension . it gives me pleasure. And if I don’t get get to intoxicate I become very nervous. QUESTION 2: what role society play in making the youth drifted towards intoxication? ANSWER : I don’t care about society I care about myself. QUESTION 3. why youth take the consumption of intoxication very casually? ANSWER :Because when I am free I like to do it.Because by doing it my time passes and I get pleasure too. QUESTION 4: what are the preventive measures taken by the government till today? ANSWER : Government have introduce many measures to stop intoxication but no one is following so I don’t care about any measures which would stop me from doing this. QUESTION 5: what should be the preventive measure should be taken to eradicate the consumption of intoxication in near future? ANSWER : I don’t know though I am addicted I don’t want any preventive measure which will produce hindrance . III. IMAPCT OF INTOXICATIONImpact of this on society When people get intoxicated they find themselves busy in their own life. They don’t bother what’s happening in near their surround ing and they don’t care about it. They just indulge themselves in their intoxication activity as a result of this they don’t contribute to the society. They don’t even support society for it’s upliftment. As a result, the society doesn’t changes and becomes constant. They are least bothered about the circumstances and problems prevalent in the society and the backdrops. So, they give more preference to their ownslves and no one else.They build their own world and pleased to be live in their so called different world. The inference made from this is that the very part of the machine i. e. the society become functionless as the part of the machine become restless by the acts of the intoxicated people. Therefore, the society’s growth of humanity is redusing day by day and the touch of humanity also decreases. This lead to imbalance and imperfection in the society. Impact on their career People who are indulge in intoxication focus on study very less which leads to their failure.They do not follow the schedule because they when they consume alcohol the brain is generally out of order and intoxication also effects the nervous system . so the student can’t concentrate on study. Intoxication creates groupism and when they start groupism they can’t study anymore. They lead a stressfull life. The addicts lose their professional and educational capabilities, self-dignity, and get involved in serious or petty criminal activities. The sole aim in life of an addict becomes the procurement and use of drugs. Other aims and objectives in life are thrown by the roadside.This is the main reason of unemployment. Impact on health speech, euphoria, impaired balance, loss of muscle coordination (ataxia), flushed face, dehydration, vomiting, reddened eyes,  reduced inhibitions, and erratic behavior. Sufficiently high levels of blood-borne alcohol will cause  coma  and death from the depressive effects of alcohol upon theà ‚  central nervous system. They become aggressive and transfer their anger to another person. This is the reason of domestic violence. TABLE OF CONTENT : 1. INTRODUCTION 2. INTOXICATION CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS 3. IMPACT OF INTOXICATION 4. PREVENTIVE MEASURE . APPENDICES : 6. 1 APPENDIX 1 6. 2 APPENDIX 2 6. 3 APPENDIX 3 6. 4 APPENDIX 4 6. 5 6. CONCLUSION 6. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION : Intoxication is state of being drunk or in influence of such substance which affect our mental stability in such a way that our reasonability of mind is affected as well as our body. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY : DOCTRIONAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND QUESTIONAIRRE AIMS AND OBJECTIVE: The study aims to know why the youth is under the trap of intoxication and what is the impact made by them by their acts on the society, their profession, family and friends.It also aims to know the legal grounding nature of the consumption and the methods to way forward the eradication of this evils called intoxication. Hence, we cou ld able to make the society evil free and functioned. SOURCE OF DATA: The following secondary sources of data have been used in the project: 1. ooks 2. Website 3. Magazine HYPOTHESIS : Due to societal influence addiction to intoxication initiated through a chain of events such as peer pressure, family influence or personal deviance ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am feeling highly elated to work on the topic â€Å"addiction to intoxicants†. nder the guidance of my SOCIOLOGY teacher. I am very grateful to his for the exemplary guidance. I would like to enlighten my readers regarding this topic and I hope I have tried my best to pave the way for bringing more luminosity to this topic. I also want to thank all of my friends, without whose cooperation this project was not possible. Apart from all these, I want to give special thanks to the librarian of my university who made every relevant materials regarding to my topic available to me at the time of my busy research work and gave me assistan ce.And at last I am very much obliged to the God who provided me the potential for the rigorous research work. At finally yet importantly I would like to thank my parents for the financial support. Kumari arpita 1st year CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY A PROJECT ON Addiction of intoxicants Subject: – Sociology Submitted To:- Sangeet Kumar Submitted By:- Kumari Arpita Roll No:-745. 2nd semester, 1st year

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