Friday, August 21, 2020

Short History of Myanmar Free Essays

Gotten from BAMAR * ‘Burma’ †verbally expressed structure * ‘Myanmar’ †scholarly structure 2. Essential FACTS * Official Name †Republic of the Union of Myanmar * Capital †Naypyidaw * Form of Government †Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic * President †Thein Sein * Vice-President †Nyan Thun (Navy Chief) * second Vice-President †Sai Mauk Kham World Organizations †UN (1948), ASEAN (June 23, 1997) * Ethnic Group †Burmans 68%, Shan 9%, Karen 7%, Rakhine 4%, Chinese 3%, Indian 2%, Mon 2%, Others 5% * Language †Burmese (Sino-Tibetan) * Currency †Kyat (K) * Religion †Theravada Buddhism 89%, Christianity 4%, Islam 4%, Others 2%, Hinduism 1% * Foreign Rulers †Chinese, Muslims, Indians, BRITISH, Japanese * Date of Independence †(from British) January 4, 1948 * Geology †biggest nation in the terrain SEA Bordered on the NW by India and Bangladesh, NE by Tibet and China, SE by Laos and Thailand, S by the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea * Highest point is Hkakabo Razi in Kachin/most noteworthy mountain in SEA, along the fringes of Myanmar, India and China/along the lower regions of the Himalayas * Lowest point is Andaman Sea/Burma Sea, southeast of Bay of Bengal * Major streams are Irrawaddy, Thanlwin, Sittang * Climate †Hot season is from March to May, blustery season is from June to October and cold season is from November to February 3. EARLY HISTORY Pyu (first century BC) †entered the Irrawaddy Valley/built up city states * Mon (sixth century BC) †southern piece of Myanmar/had social and monetary connections with India gt; Buddhism * Mranma/Bamar/Burmans (ninth century BC) †settled in the Irrawaddy bowl/predominant ethnic gathering/began the Pagan domain 4. We will compose a custom article test on Short History of Myanmar or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now 1044-1077 * Established by King Anawrahta * Flourished in the upper Irrawaddy Valley * Laid the establishment of the Burmese language and culture, the spread of Burman ethnicity, and the development of Theravada Buddhism in Burma and in the territory * Fall: assaults of the Mongol domain . WARRING STATES PERIOD * Ava Kingdom (1364-1555) †Led by Burmanized Shan rulers who asserted plunge from Pagan lords †Founded by Thadominbya * Hanthawaddy Kingdom/Hanthawaddy Pegu †Dominant realm in southern Burma †Founded by King Wareru 6. FORTY YEARS WAR * Military clash among Ava and Pegu * first half †Ava attacked Pegu and was vanquished; Ava marked a ceasefire * second half †Pegu assaulted Ava to stop its development; Ava marked another détente and broke it * After the war, Hanthawaddy Pegu arrived at its brilliant age through benefits and commercializing . TOUNGOO DYNASTY * King Mingyinyo established the First Taungoo Dynasty * Tabinshwehti bound together the great er part of Burma and was delegated lord of all Burma in 1544 * Burma turned into a significant exchanging focus with the happening to European dealers * Bayinnaung succeeded the position of royalty in 1551 and ruled for a long time, propelling a crusade of triumph attacking a few states 8. KONBAUNG DYNASTY * Last tradition in Burma * Founded by a town chief Alaungpaya Reunited the entirety of Burma, doused the Hanthawaddy administration and drove out the European forces who gave arms to Hanthawaddy * 1760-1855 †arrangement of wars with Siam until the two nations traded Tenasserim (to Burma) and Lan Na (to Siam) 9. FIRST ANGLO-BURMESE WAR * King Bodawpaya †extended westbound which happened to incorporate zones close to the fringes of the British India * British won †full power over Assam, Manipur, Cachar, Arakan, Jaintia, and Tenasserim * Burmese †compelled to pay 1M pound authentic and sign a business bargain * Longest and most costly war in British Indian history 10. SECOND ANGLO-BURMESE WAR * Commodore George Lambert †sent to Burma to determine some minor issues in regards to the Treaty of Yandabo * George Lambert hindered the port of Rangoon, holding onto the King’s regal boat * Britain additionally needed the teak woods in the southern pieces of Burma and the port among Calcutta and Singapore * The British succeeded †added Pegu and renaming it Lower Burma 11. THIRD ANGLO-BURMESE WAR King Mindon attempted to modernize the Burmese state and economy to oppose British infringements * The British guaranteed that Mindon’s child, Thibaw Min, was a despot expecting to agree with the French * The British won once and for all, making Burma a region of the British Raj 12. English RULE * Capital at Rangoon * Customary Burmese society was changed before the finish of government * Demand for Burmese rice developed and lands were opened for development * Farmers had to get cash from Indian moneylenders called ‘chettiars’ * Burmese economy became however all the influence and riches stayed in the British firms 3. Patriot MOVEMENT * Dominated by Ethnic Burmese * Strongly hostile to Chinese and enemies of Indians * Domination of Myanmar economy by outside capital animated the dev’t of communist belief system * The weight on Buddhism just like the center of social, strict and individual character distanced the non-Burmese 14. JAPANESE RULE * Nominally pronounced Burma autonomous as the ‘State of Burma’ on August 1, 1943 * Asia for the Asians Co-Prosperity Sphere (independent coalition of Asian countries drove by the Japanese and liberated from Western forces) * 1944: Aung San built up the Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League * 1945: British soldiers had recaptured control 15. Freedom * Britain †move Myanmar towards full self-administration (under the British Commonwealth) * January 1947: Aung San drove the AFPFL to London †political race for a constitution * Won the races, yet Aung San was killed U Nu drove Myanmar to autonomy from the British on January 4, 1948 * Union of Burma †bureaucratic state made out of huge Burmese are and four upland states * General Ne Win †drove a military upset to oust U Nu’s chose government * Many individuals bolstered the overthrow = end to the defilement, shakiness, swelling and social agitation * Military-based ideological group: Burma Socialist Program Party * 1974: new Constitution †Socialist Republic of the Union Of Burma * 1987: UN †Myanmar as the least evolved country, one of the world’s 10 most unfortunate nations * Two economies: the legitimate state-controlled economy the underground market economy * State Law and Order Restoration Council †General Saw Maung * Aung San Suu Kyi, little girl of Aung San, won the decisions yet was set under house capture * March 27, 2006 †the capital was authoritatively named Naypyidaw Myodaw (Royal City of the Seat of Kings) * 2005 †capital from Yangon to Naypyidaw * May 10, 2008 †from the Union of Myanmarâ to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Step by step instructions to refer to Short History of Myanmar, Papers

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